Born in Brežice, Slovenia, I have always had an affinity for the art of photography and capturing the world around me. I’ve always been drawn to the beauty of a moment captured in time, long before I realised that photography was something I had a flair for. This began in 2008 when I received my first DSLR camera which allowed me to truly express my interests further thus, my love for photography flourished greater than ever.
Since then, I have continuously developed my craft to the best of my ability. What started as a burning passion turned hobby, has now become a skill that I wish to endeavour further, with prospects of it becoming a business. These works are translated into my portfolio that showcase some of my most outstanding images over the years. My interest in the realm of photography predominantly revolves around aviation and sports, especially motorsports.
Thank you for taking the time to browse through my portfolio, I hope to hear back from you with any feedback or business collaborations!